A note from Awakened Heart Retreats founder, Lily~

Dear community,

I experienced a profoundly beautiful ceremony while on retreat in Mexico last year. These two angels, mother and daughter team known as KukuCacao, guided the most beautiful, rich and moving cacao ceremony that I've attended. I was so moved I invited them to Colorado to offer ceremonies here to my community. I invite you to experience it for yourself. Below, in their own words, Kukuru and Waupu describe themselves and what they offer.

With Love, Lily Russo

Cacao Ceremony with Kuku Cacao

Experience the mystical rituals of cacao medicine, sound healing, and intention setting.

5:30-7:30pm at Deer Hill Expedition’s Meeting Place

Friday August 30th

“Our ceremony follows the Mayan Cosmovision. Kuku Cacao is the union of components and ideal energies that stimulates the opening of the heart and creates an inner communication in connection with our own spirit. It activates a very special and loving frequency in each person, harmonizing in emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

It is a beautiful moment that will connect you with the love and healing magic that exists within you. We will drink ceremonial cacao in front of a lively altar of flowers lit by a sacred fire. Wrapped in an aura of sounds and healing frequencies that will surely make your heart vibrate. Since ancient times, Cacao has been honored in sacred ceremonies by our Mayan ancestors. Each cacao seed contains 1.2% Theobromine, property that in Greek means the food of the Gods. We honor Kuku, the name of the Cacao Spirit, which means “Sacred over sacred”.

Cacao Ceremony with Kuku Cacao

Physical benefits:

Activates blood circulation, cleaning veins and arteries.

Is energizing and revitalizing, increases the feeling of well-being.

It produces a broad state of consciousness and sensory perception.”

About your guides:

KUKU ~ Ceremonial Cacao

We are Kukuru & Waupu, mother and daughter, Guardians of the Fire and the Spirit of Ix Cacao.

Our ceremonies are based on the Mayan cosmovision, inspired in the special energy of each day, following the Sacred Calendar Cholq'üj', "The Count of Destiny". Our journey together in ceremony borns in the desert of Wirikuta, Mexico, in 2019. A call and a vision from the sacred fire of the Wixarika tradition. Later the medicine of cacao presents to us and in 2021 we travel to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Where for the first time we encounter our teachers, magicians, Tatas, Nanas and guardians of cacao, that to the present day guide us in our formation as Ceremonialists.

Our mission is to awaken the magic of the heart, through recognizing the divine essence that lives within our own wonderful universe.