Reclaim Your Pleasure ~ Women's Full Moon Gathering with Bubs Buselli and Lily Russo, July 31st

Reclaim Your Pleasure ~ Women's Full Moon Gathering with Bubs Buselli and Lily Russo, July 31st


~Reclaim Your Pleasure~

Let's gather under the full moon to reconnect with life's joys and pleasures. We'll begin by connecting to our bodies in a slow, pleasure focused, yoga embodiment practice. We will draw on the power of connection through sound to unite our energy and express our voice. Bubs will guide us in gratitude journaling, desire mapping, and a five senses buffet experience all designed to remind us that we are here to enjoy this life. We'll have the opportunity to share, reflect, and witness each other reclaiming our right to pleasure, leaving with renewed inspiration to find the joy all around us every day.

Bring a journal and something for our altar that brings you joy and pleasure.

Cushions and blankets are provided.

At One Heart House, Mancos, 6-8pm, July 31st.


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